Free Inquiry Post #6: Blind Contours (and teaching art)

These past few weeks have been incredibly busy so I unfortunately didn’t get much time to do art things. I did get to make an art lesson though!

Presentation and lesson plan can be found here:

I had a lot of fun making an art lesson. For this lesson we were supposed to try to pick a subject area that was outside of our teachable subjects. We decided on art which I was really excited about. I think art can be incorporated into a really large range of subjects to help teach them, but teaching art itself is something I hadn’t really considered much before. Making blind contours was a great topic because it’s something that everybody can do regardless of their experience in art. It seemed like the class enjoyed it as well, if I could change anything I’d try to schedule in more discussion time. It seemed like everyone just automatically started showing each other their work and talking about it, which is honestly something I’d like to see in an art class. I never took any high school art classes which made art seem a bit scary for me to approach. I didn’t really have any internal reference point for how an art class should look. I think this assignment helped me feel a lot more comfortable talking about art and teaching it. It was really fun to talk about psychology during the lesson as well.

EDCI 336: Week 11 Reflections

I was pretty exhausted this lecture, so I feel like I couldn’t participate as much as I would have been able to otherwise. I was glad that we got the chance to discuss some of the concepts surrounding technology in education and the conversations seemed fairly productive. There were a lot of really useful resources in the Mural, and it was nice to get the chance to check out a few of them as a class. I found it a bit hard to stay focused and engaged when we were just discussing different resources, their principles, and what they can be used for. Going into more depth with them could be an easier way to make me think of applications for them. I think checking them out as a class or even individually at the computers would be a really good activity and allow people some time to experiment with the programs and see their applications. That being said, I definitely have a mental list of things I want to experiment with now. The University of Colorado PhET simulations are especially interesting to me. They seem like they’d be really useful in a science classroom as either resources or mentor texts for students interested in creating a learning tool as an assignment of some kind. MURAL seemed really useful, but I’m kind of hoping they update it a bit before I’d use it in a classroom. There is no mobile site for it and trying to access digital whiteboards that way just leads to a page prompting you to download the app. Said app isn’t actually all that useful either. It’s “view-only” which means that people using their mobile devices won’t be able to do anything but watch other people collaborate on the whiteboard. In the context of an in-person classroom this would be redundant as the board would likely be projected and displayed in the class anyways. It still seems like a useful tool to use in a classroom but there might be alternatives. I’ll definitely keep my eye on it and see if they improve mobile support

Free Inquiry Post #5: Texture

I’ve reached the lesson on texture on organic forms that I discussed in my last post on my inquiry project. This exercise is really really time consuming and pretty energy intensive. It takes a lot of time spent intensely focusing on objects which can definitely make it hard to work through the required two pages of organic textured forms in a single sitting. To accommodate for this I’ve been splitting things up a bit.

New additions to the backpack family

I stopped by the UVIC bookstore and picked up a new sketchbook and pen. I’ve been keeping these items in my backpack so I can work on these exercises while I have downtime on campus. I’ve only done a few of the organic forms so far, but I’ve found it really useful to have around. Often times I can be totally depleted of energy when I get home from school and it’s hard to do something energy intensive like art.

Two of the exercises I did between classes

These are the ones that I’ve done so far at the school. In my opinion there is a stark difference between the two. The first one I’m extremely proud of (particularly the wool sweater portion which was really time consuming) and the second one has a lot of flaws. I did these both before lunch and the second one ended up being really rushed. I didn’t have much energy to do it with either and was crashing a bit. The textures aren’t easy to discern and there’s quite a few issues with them. Some key takeaways came out of it though, for example holes (like the ones in bread) are really hard to represent when drawing texture based on the shadows that they cast. I ended up colouring in the holes but this came at the cost of them having an illusion of depth. The machined steel at the top also didn’t work out well. Machined things need to be extremely evenly positioned and uniform if they have repeating patterns, something that can be extra difficult on surfaces that wrap around curved objects. I found it difficult to make the tomato sauce look fluid while still containing the larger flattened portioned. I also ended up drawing this section over an elliptical face that should have been a different texture and visible to the viewer.

Prior to these exercises the only texture thing I’ve done were the “texture gradient” exercises from DrawABox. I wasn’t as happy with this exercise. I think it went somewhat well, but I really put off doing it and felt a lot of pressure surrounding it. Overall I’ve been having a lot of fun with this exercise. I was pleasantly surprised with myself and being able to drawing some of these textures well. There’s definitely a lot of things that seem out of my range but this exercise is designed to be pretty extreme and out of something learners can do easily right way. I think I’m more comfortable making mistakes and working on these exercises in steady ways. Paying attention to their energy requirements will definitely be a big thing to keep in mind. Like the previous DrawABox exercises, I’ve found that taking notes directly on the sheet of paper after I finish drawing is a really great way for me to sort out my thoughts on the drawings.

EDCI 336: Week 10 Reflections

I think this was a really important presentation for us to see. Disabled students are overlooked in education so much. It’s nice to get some insight into all the steps and difficulties that can occur for disabled students and their families in getting essential technology. I’ll be keeping BCEdAccess in mind in case I need assistance from them for students in the future. I think a discussion on ableism was really useful as well. Often adults accommodating for disabled students can make them feel extreme singled out or talked down out. People can often take on an overly friendly and simplified tone with people who don’t need those things to understand another person. This just causes the person’s attempt at being inclusive to demonstrate the stereotypical image of a disabled person that exists in their mind. Interactions like this can also decrease the likelihood that students will come to teachers for help with their disabilities.

I’m glad that we talked about technology being potentially detrimental as well. I find Zoom classes to be incredibly difficult to learn from and really painful to sit through. This is also a huge issue with deaf and hard of hearing people. Often hearing aids can still be quite lacking for people and put them in a difficult and traumatizing position where understanding others is difficult and frustrating. I have a deaf friend that really hates “feel-good” videos about babies and young children hearing through hearing aid devices for the first time. People can assume that hearing aids bring people to a full-hearing level when that really misses the large range of hearing disability manifestations. People could struggle with differentiating different sounds for their entire lives and struggle with expressing themselves verbally. This can affect reading abilities as well due to our reliance on teaching written word through oral sounds and speaking. A key problem with these approaches is that they often totally alienate hard of hearing and deaf people. Students are alienated from hearing peers and often don’t have a larger deaf and hard of hearing community to talk with. Hard of hearing people being forced to learn spoken language as opposed to sign language can hurt the ways they can communicate with other people with similar experiences to them and the world at large. It also gives less incentive to educators to learn sign languages, something that must be done carefully as well. ASL has been heavily damaged in the past due to people learning it from hearing people who relate it to spoken language. This relation doesn’t exist for deaf and hard of hearing people so the framework for using the language can totally change

Free Inquiry Post #4: More DrawABox!

I feel like I’ll be doing a fair amount of these exercises in the coming weeks. I find that creative art can be really hard to schedule and use a lot of mental, physical, and emotional energy. With some busy school weeks coming up (and me just finishing up a few of them), I think that I might end up focusing on art practices that are more casual and easier to pick up and put down again. I’ve been really interested in getting back into the DrawABox program. The last few texture exercises I was doing were really difficult and to be honest kind of demotivating. I’ve taken more time to read the lessons though and it’s helped me internalize that these exercises are intentionally really difficult and there isn’t an expectation to be good or confident in them. Definitely feels like a small thing that I should have internalized independently, but you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do I guess. I think it helped so I’ll just go with that. I might come back to the article as needed for motivation.

I was doing some warmups to try to get into the next exercises and found myself getting sidetracked trying to iron out some flaws in a specific exercise. This isn’t what I intended going into this drawing practice, but I found myself pretty motivated to keep working on it. I started with a drawing of a cube which was a pretty good mood booster. It turned out a lot better than I expected. I was unhappy with my first arrow because of it’s shaky lines. It’s an exercise to practice thinking in a 3D space, but I still thought that shaky lines would be a good thing to start working on. Ultimately it was a really good way of finding something I needed work on and putting some effort into it. It lead to some other good opportunities to practice too. Like working on cross-hatching and comparing it to a charcoal value gradient.

I found that writing notes directly on the page as I did the exercise was a really good way of processing my thoughts. It allows for more detail than the usual gut-instinct good or bad labeling. It can be a bit time consuming to write out thoughts and ideas, but I think it should help me to process my thoughts better. Accurate self-critique is something that I definitely need to pay attention to as well since I’m not really getting critique from other people.

Later on in the evening I watched through the video on the next lesson (the page for this lesson is also available here). It took me a fair amount of time to watch. It’s a 40min video and I watched it at 1.5x speed, but still paused it from time to time as I got sidetracked by other things. I might try to work on this exercise further tonight and will hopefully include it in my next update.

EDCI 336: Week Nine Reflections

It was really great to hear Trevor Mackenzie’s thoughts. I was really engaged with the pacific school of inquiry and innovation talk, but it was a tricky thing for me to balance. I really loved the ideas, but I could only pick a few and needed to mentally modify them to work them into a public school setting. This talk really helped give me a clear mental image of what inquiry can look like in a public school setting. I think the idea of just keeping things totally open with students is ideal, but I was really surprised to see just all the ways that can manifest. I’m pretty excited to see what types of strategies I can work into my own classes from this lecture. I found the student self-assessment grading to be really interesting too. I was talking with some teachers during my observations and they’ve been facing issues with students being unable to fail and repeat middle school grades. I’m curious if this is pandemic related or how we can balance ensuring student understanding and inquiry otherwise.

I made a lot of notes on the books he recommended and am looking forwards to learning about them more in the future. They were:

It was nice to hear about strategies for dealing with classroom problems that are rooted in student-control. Like using groups to generate questions is really smart. I think it’s a pretty common occurrence for no questions to come up in the question part of a class and then for a large group of students to approach the teacher individually after class. I definitely did that a lot and I see it pretty frequently in my university classes as well. Unfortunately, those students going to ask individually are probably just a small portion of the students who do have questions that they could or want to ask

EDCI 336: Week Eight Reflections

I think this week’s lecture was pretty good. We covered a lot of useful things and it was nice to get to talk about online distributed learning versus in-person learning. It was kind of surprising to hear how well online lecturing worked for some of the people in the class. I found that I had really opposite experiences in a lot of aspects and really struggle with online classes. I was luckily and only really needed to do a semester (and a half) of school online before finishing my degree. I felt like I would have needed to take time off from school and just worked or something instead if I had to take more online semesters. They caused me a lot of stress and disruption compared to normal classes and I didn’t want to suffer academically because of a different learning mode.

I thought that “Mad Tea” Liberating Structure was fun. Learning about Liberating Structures was really great, I think a lot of them will be really useful resources. There’s a lot of nice flexibility in them as well, finding things that could work well for science education and then fine tuning them seems like a really great tool to engage students with pretty abstract concepts.

I’m definitely behind on my free inquiry project. I’ve been doing more figure drawing practice so I might just post that and discuss it a bit. School has been so busy recently that I unfortunately haven’t really had much free time in any form. I think discussing the practice I’ve been doing could help, I just feel a bit bad about it not being something that’s all that new.

EDCI 336: Week Seven Reflections

Some pretty interesting topics this week. I found that the models for integrating learning into teaching were pretty useful to see. Often there’s not a lot of frameworks for using technology in the classroom.

I think that my favorite approach out of the three presented in class was the SAMR model. I think it provides a good source of ideas for how an educator can use technology in different ways in the classroom. The model leans towards technological integration being inherently better which is a bit of a problem. The idea that “transform” can be for better or worse is important, but when the other category is “enhance” it becomes fairly clear that its meant to be positive. There’s also the issue with visuals depicting the stages of substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition as a linear process where redefinition is something to be worked towards through the other stages. In my opinion this framing is something that can encourage teachers to rush to integrate technology for the sake of being seen as innovative or relatable to students. Approaches like this often heavily miss the mark as technology isn’t being applied properly to get to a main point.

A lot of the visuals for SAMR seem to reflect this idea. Such as the one in class where the types of integration are seen as increasingly more meaningful (going from standing on the beach wondering about what’s inside the ocean to being in a submarine immersed in the ocean). This frames technology as something that’s required to reach deeper levels of content understanding, when it could equally hinder understanding. I think its also unfortunate to frame it as a deeper understanding rather than a different understanding. I don’t think depicting a snorkel versus a submarine is helpful because they’re both attempts to do the same thing (the more technologically advanced version being significantly better). The integration techniques that are in the “transformation” category shouldn’t really be seen as deeper understanding, but instead different understandings. These different understandings can absolutely be more meaningful and deeper for students, but the whole point is that they’re exploring different approaches unavailable through traditional means. I think teachers trying to use technology to facilitate deeper understandings of the same topics doesn’t really work, the key idea is to pivot and change what directions the class is capable of going in.

That example is just with the diagram used in class, but a lot of the graphics online fall into similar issues. The most common representation I can see is a stacked layout where the categories are arranged almost like a hierarchical pyramid or stairs. Substitution and modification are at the bottom and lead upwards to augmentation and redefinition. I really don’t like these graphics either. It seems like they’re trying to present redefinition as something to work towards in the same way free inquiry is an end goal to inquiry approaches. I think this misses the mark in a lot of different ways. These approaches are separate tools from one another. I don’t think bad things would happen if a teacher was able to redefine a unit using technology and students hadn’t seen an example of substitution, modification, or augmentation yet. I also don’t think educators need to fully understand something like modification in order to explore new tasks through redefinition. The only thing that really links these groups is how involved and integral technology is to the lesson or concept. If you frame them as a sequence to go through SMAR just becomes a guide on how to reach redefining content using technology or how to integrate technology more. I don’t like this approach because it hinders teachers from seeing the different options for integrating technology in meaningful ways. All the tools provided by SMAR are really good and can be integrated into classrooms to allow tech to assist to education. Unfortunately, the current idea around SMAR seem too overzealous to integrate technology for the sake of integrating technology. Education needs to come first, technology needs to facilitate it. If you sacrifice education for the point of technological integration, then the technology is only serving to create the illusion of innovation.

This balancing act is why I like the Constructive Alignment as a model of tech integration. Remaining focused on designing for learning is critical and learning goals should always be kept in mind. This approach is good because it will cause educators to think along a framework of how they can use technology to reach a learning goal, rather than how they can integrate technology in a more general sense. My main issues with the constructive alignment and TPACK framework is that they’re very theoretical. They’re great examples of solid theory, but trying to think of ways that they can be applied is difficult. I find that the TPACK framework makes this substantially more challenging. TPACK seems to focus more on the different aspects of teaching and how they should be brought to together for effective teaching. It doesn’t really say what those Venn-diagram overlaps look like though or how this crossing over can be done in a traditional classroom. I think these models work well in conjunction with SMAR and can be used to ensure that the frameworks balance each other out.

I liked the idea of EdCamps a lot and thought that they were a great way of creating discussion between people. I think that there can be some issues with the size of the groups doing them, but it seemed to still work well with a smaller group of people. One of my main issues was feeling stuck in a group. I didn’t want to just randomly get up and leave when someone was talking or had just finished saying something. I think a bigger group could help with this, but it could make it a bit more difficult to let everyone be heard. Larger topics breaking up into smaller groups discussing them or discussing subtopics could help remedy that. I’m probably just overthinking it too, seems more like a social-anxiety issue than an EdCamp issue.

EDCI 336: Week Six Reflections

This week we had a presentation from Jeff Hopkins about his school The Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry (PSII). I really loved getting a chance to hear about this school. It seems like an incredibly good approach to teaching that is deeply beneficial for the students. This model seems like an effective way of achieving my personal goals of wanting to educate in a way that doesn’t bar neurodivergent students from learning about the world. Its a bit scary to approach an education system that has been created totally from scratch, but it seems scary in a good way to me. I think that inquiry schools like this are extremely promising and the future of education. I think a lot of my fear comes from the pressure of wanting to do this system justice so it can catch on, rather than me being afraid of something new. Most of my experience with traditional models of education have been as a student. I was lucky with my ADHD being stereotypical enough to have it noticed early. Lots of students don’t have this luxury though and plenty of students with ADHD can make it through school fine without medication. These students aren’t lucky for that though. Frequently they reach university and suddenly face deep crises and need to jump through the extremely complicated hoops surrounding adult ADHD diagnoses. I think inquiry models help students with ADHD learn in so many beneficial ways. They learn the content, but the introspection and critical thinking really helps them learn about themselves too. Jeff discussed a student with ADHD and how she uses different spaces to accomplish work. I found it really uplifting to hear about a student figuring out strategies that took me until halfway through my undergrad to figure out.

I would really love to work in an inquiry school. The freedom and flexibility is scary, but deeply exciting at the same time. It gives so much room for students to take control of their own learning and give feedback to teachers. It can feel like a more complicated system, but I think teachers are often more afraid of the sudden loss of control and authority that they’ll need to go through. It’s scary to trust students with so much responsibility, but honestly if someone can’t trust students like that I don’t think they’d be the best at teaching in general. Trusting students with genuine responsibility like this requires teachers to see students as human beings. I think this process of trust would be incredibly great for students and teachers. Students deal with a lot of condescension and the devaluing of their experiences can be frustrating at best and totally alienating at worst. Inquiry models of education not only get rid of this effect, but replace it with something truly beneficial for students. The process of inquiry gives students confidence in themselves and a sense of control. This can fundamentally shift student’s self-image from a position where they see themselves as just inherently not good at something to a position where they believe themselves capable of overcoming obstacles and learning. This goes for specific subjects too. Students can see themselves as scientists, artists, mathematicians, philosophers, and countless other members of society in the present. Students aren’t forced to wait until they’ve spent mountains of effort, time, and money in a post-secondary institution to feel like they’ve earned that title. Students can internalize those titles because they’ve gone through processes truly representative of those fields. Memorizing scientific information doesn’t make students feel like scientists and has the potential to make them believe that scientists just do work rote memorization for a career. Giving students a chance to explore science through inquiry gives them an opportunity to truly do science.

This presentation has given me a lot to think about. I saw PSII as an appealing institution beforehand, but now I see it as something that I really want to fight to get involved with. Regardless of whether or not I end up there, I think these models of inquiry can be extremely beneficial in all teaching environments. Jeff brought up that they were helping Reynolds with setting up a program and I believe that is their Flex program? I talked with a teacher at Esquimalt High School who did his practicum in that program and it seems really appealing. I’d love to try to create programs like that in public schools, I feel like the future talk we’ll be having will help give me some strategies for doing that as well. No matter where my career in education goes, I’d like inquiry to be a core part of it. Even a regular classroom that isn’t in an inquiry institution or part of a special program would benefit so much inquiry strategies. I’ve been in a few high school science programs that have genuinely made me upset at how unengaging they present science. Science is really important to me and was one of the first things to make me truly start wondering about the world around me. It really changed my perspective to one of almost constant questioning and observing. It gave me a really good perspective to see the beauty of the world and students missing out on that is just deeply depressing.

PSII has made some absolutely phenomenal resources for inquiry strategies and assessment. I’m going to attach them to this post so that I can have easy access to them later on. Assessment is something Jeff talked about as being a critical aspect of what they were looking for in teachers. I see assessment as something that should allow students to apply their understanding in critical ways. This will show that they know the material and they know how to use it, but most importantly it will help foster critical thinking in students. I find myself thinking of Dr. Blades’ Explore, Discuss, Understand (E.D.U) model a lot and the ways that it can be used to assess students. I’m going to keep assessment in mind and really try to study the core competency assessment forms that P.S.I.I has developed. I think that they’re a great resources and would be really beneficial for my own understanding of how to approach assessment. The other thing they are looking for in teachers are broad passions outside of just their teachable. I feel somewhat confident about this requirement? My ADHD makes me really hyperfixate on my hobbies which is honestly something I really love. I can get passionate about subjects and topics super easily and I feel like an environment like an inquiry institute would be a great place for me because talking with students about their projects seems like a ton of fun. I really like things like art and writing so I think it would be fun to bring that to a classroom and try to integrate it with scientific concepts that are often difficult to pin down and give students context for. I’ll need to spend some time reflecting on my own hobbies and passions. Just saying “I’m enthusiastic about everything and would love to work with students on whatever it is they’re interested in” probably won’t give people a good picture of me. I’m really glad to have that idea in the back of my mind now though. I think the topics of visual art, the social contexts that affect trends in them, and how they use things like colour would be a good starting place. I’m not sure how well I can predict what I’m going to be engaged with though. I might just try to be introspective as things come up and try to take step backs to understand what I like about them.


  • PSII Media and Outreach
    • TONS of incredibly useful CC resources here, will include the ones we discussed in class below, but will take a deeper look at all of them
    • PSII Assessment Framework
      • STUDY this, seems extremely beneficial and something I’d like to understand thoroughly
    • PSII Inquiry Flowchart
    • PSII Approach to learning diagram
      • Good connections to BC curriculum, literacies, and the values that PSII see as most important for students as members of society
      • I’m really on board with the things that PSII values. I think they’re all vital traits for people to engaging in meaningful ways with their communities and society.

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